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This past week, the Lord gave me a word that resonated deeply in every aspect of my life: listen. It was as if everything around me was emphasizing the importance of listening—to God, to His Word, and to those around me. From assignments to devotionals, the message was clear, and it reminded me of the need to truly hear what God is saying to us, especially in the smallest of things.

A Father's Love: One morning, my youngest daughter, woke up as usual. The first word she said was "daddy." It’s a word that she seems to say with such ease and joy. As her father, hearing her call me that, especially when I’m not even there, is a reminder of how much she relies on me. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that this is how God wants us to be with Him—constantly calling out to Him, just as a child does to their father.

The term "daddy" is an intimate and affectionate title. It’s one thing to call someone "father" or "dad," which shows respect, but calling someone "daddy" speaks to a deeper, more personal relationship. It’s a title that implies trust and closeness. This is the relationship God desires to have with us.

The Story of Esther: As I reflected on this, I was drawn to the story of Esther. In a time of great peril for the Jewish people, Esther was placed in a position of power and influence as the queen of Persia. Yet, her position came with immense responsibility. Mordecai, her uncle, reminded her that perhaps she had been placed in this position "for such a time as this" (Esther 4:14).

Esther had to listen to the voice of God, even though God’s presence is not directly mentioned in the book. She had to trust that her steps were ordered by Him, even in silence. When faced with the threat of death for her people, Esther called for a fast. She knew that in order to hear from God and to gain the courage to approach the king, she needed to humble herself and seek God’s face through fasting.

Fasting and Listening: Fasting is a powerful act of faith. It’s not just about denying ourselves food, but it’s about creating space to listen to God. Esther’s fast wasn’t just for herself; she called all the Jews in Shushan to join her. This collective act of sacrifice and prayer was what unlocked heaven’s intervention.

In our lives, we may not be facing a literal king, but we all have moments where we need to seek God's direction. There are decisions, challenges, and spiritual battles that require us to pause, fast, and listen. Just like Esther, we must be willing to say, "If I perish, I perish" (Esther 4:16), fully trusting that God is in control.

Conclusion: This week, I encourage you to take time to listen—to truly hear what God is saying to you. Whether it’s through His Word, through the quiet moments of prayer, or through fasting, position yourself to hear His voice. And remember, just as my daughter calls out "daddy" with trust and love, we too can call out to our Heavenly Father, knowing that He hears us and is ready to respond.

Scripture Reference: "Then Esther sent this reply to Mordecai: 'Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.'" — Esther 4:15-16 

Let us all be reminded of the power of listening and the strength that comes from fasting. When we humble ourselves and seek God, we open the door for His divine intervention in our lives.

Call to Action: If you’re feeling led to take this step of faith, consider setting aside a day this week to fast and pray. Listen for what God wants to say to you. You may be surprised at the clarity and direction that comes when you fully surrender to Him.